Friday, August 27, 2010

Hello Blogosphere!

In a little over a week I will celebrate/mourn my 55th birthday. I have been told that 50 is the new 30 and with that in mind LET'S BLOG!

If anyone is reading this, you may be curious what "Elephants, Chihuahua's, and Mice" is all about...and even if you aren't curious you at least deserve a brief explanation. Most of us have heard an expression like "the elephant in the room" or something akin to it. Life thrusts upon us large and complex issues that we all must address ie. the Elephants. There are also issues that may more than likely resemble Chihuahua's and Mice...the smaller less intense but not unimportant, and I think for the most of us, that's where we live.

Being a person of faith I filter my Elephants, Chihuahua's and Mice through that filter and while I make no claim of infallibility, perfection (just ask my wife), or ANY corner on the wisdom market there are some things that I trust will be helpful to whomever my readers/contributors will be.

Elephant's can become Chihuahua's!

A couple of years ago my family and I went through a very difficult season of time. It was traumatic, hurtful, and turned our world upside down. Everything I thought would comprise our future was changed in a couple of months time. We were devastated! But even in the middle if our hurt, a simple promise from Solomon's wisdom shouted loudly through the noise of my pain and hurt: "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

This verse rocked my world. I knew it to be true, but at the moment of stress and challenge, I wasn't encouraged. The elephant was overwhelming! However...two years's a chihuahua. God's purposes are much more clear...the experience still hurts, however its intensity is SO much less. I fully expect it to become a mouse in the not to distant future.

Is there an elephant in your room? Be can become a chihuahua. I know God has the very best in mind for me...and for you.

We'll talk more later...
