Friday, September 10, 2010

Small or Big

Over the years I have experienced something that is nothing short of amazing...that a very small, cute (by some peoples standards), seemingly harmless mouse can cause such dramatic repsonses! Responses like screaming, jumping, running, broom hitting (at the mouse not the husband/wife who is also terrified), and general hysterics. However, you take that same mouse, or one of its bazillion relatives, and put in a cage in a pet store, and we will oooh and aaah at how cute it is...and even some of us decide to take one home with us...even as twisted as that may seem!

Something as small as a mouse can cause all kinds of responses. As a homeowner we will devote time, money, and energy to eradicating the rodent; we will set traps, call exterminators we will not rest until the mouse is gone! Or we will buy a little cage, decorate it for our pet mouse, buy toys, and feed it...blah blah blah blah blah! And I get it!

However, consider this...I cannot tell you how many times I have had a conversation with someone, or entertained the thoughts myself, that when it comes to SMALL things that cause me concern God isn't concerned...because it is so small. If my experience is like yours, you may respond like I tend to... I minimize the small things; I don't deal with them, and whats more, I convince myself that God isn't concerned so why bother him with my "mouse." In reality, I might be reacting to that small mouse with great anxiety and allowing it to grow in intensity...even to the point it becomes an elephant.

Someone much wiser than I wrote, "that the things that are important to us are important to God." WOW! If I will accept this, my anxiety level notches down immensely! Why? You see, we are usually very willing to take our big things (elephants) to God, but less likely to "bother" God with the little things (mice). If God is concerned with the elephants and the mice of my life, then I should WITHOUT hesitation give to God ALL of the things that cause anxiety. The Bible says, "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Good advice...wouldn't you say?

So the next time that small "mouse" shows up...remember if it is important to you it is important to God.